The crane inspection form :

- Technical expertise Safety first: As the assessment of technical safety condition of the crane, gantry crane, electric winch, according to the national technical regulations and standards of safety techniques after installation before being put into use for the first time.

- Technical expertise periodic safety: As the assessment of technical condition of crane safety, crane, electric winch, according to the national technical regulations and standards of safety techniques expiration verification of previous times.

- Technical expertise extraordinary safety: As the assessment of technical safety condition crane, gantry crane, electric winch, according to the national technical regulations and standards of safety techniques in the following cases :

+ After the repair, upgrade or renovation may affect the safety of technical condition of equipment.

+ After changing the installation position.

+ When requested by user basis by competent authorities or organs.

Testing process crane :

When testing the crane to turn the following steps proceed with testing standards for:

+ Check profiles , device profile .

+ Check the outside .

+ Check and Technical Test without load .

+ The regime tried load- Test method .

+ Handling of inspection results .

Note : The next step test is conducted only when the test results in the previous step unsatisfactory. All the test results of each step must be fully recorded in the field notes ( minutes of crane safety inspection ) in the form prescribed in Annex 01 and stay fully in accreditation organizations .

Crane inspection standards :

- ISO 4244-2005 : Lifting equipment design, processing and technical review .

- ISO 4755-1989 : Need shaft safety suggestions for hydraulic equipment .

- ISO 5206-1990 : Hoists Ha street safety proposal counterbalance weight and stability .

- ISO 5207-1990 : Lifting Machines - General safety proposal .

- ISO 5209-1990 : Machine Lifting - suggest safety of electrical equipment.

- TCVN 5179-90 : Hoists Ha- proposed hydrostatic test on safety .

To receive a free quote best crane inspection , please contact the business department .