No list just below the bar table or ceiling beams.
Humans have two types of universal and indispensable for "the road" (feed), which is the spiritual journey (rest and recreation, to enjoy the arts) and di physical care (eating). Di belongs positive mental support, make people happy euphoria, charisma stable weight steady. Di physical support is yin, make skin ruddy chestnut fresh, healthy body, full of life.
To ensure the rule of "relative clause trạch coordination" in domestic housing arranged according to Feng Shui, based on the fate of the landlord to consider the Statistics table in the kitchen. If the landlord under clause East Quartet should avoid dining table set in the west, southwest, northwest and northeast. However, if the landlord under clause should avoid putting West quarterfinals table in the Southeast, East, South and North.
Di physical support mainly through diet, also known as "advanced status". Food, dining, table, dishes, cups ... are all factors in determining your quality process; and in case the police violated, it will be the hotbed of health directly. Therefore, the medical bibliography, feudal kings are focused dining room feng shui, the material makes the table, bowls, pots, cups ... which designed the dining room, color, azimuth and a set table Statistics factors have a decisive influence.
Dining room (table) can be placed in any position outside the "four main": North (0 °), the east (90 degrees), the south (180 degrees) and the west (270 degrees). The provision Rat - Horse - Ram - Rooster of the main quad. Because "forward position" requires benefits should sound if conditions allow, dining room or kitchen table the best placed in the stems and the expenditures of the sound, such as: You, Ox, Yi, Cost, Snake ... It can dining room set, dining table in the supply of Native five elements, including Dragon - Dog - Ox - Hare.
Dining room should be designed in a quiet, airy and humid, overcast. Great hydrophobic sunny dining room was inspired, drafts or placed relative to the beginning of the road pulse, first corridor to the dining room ... The colors are warm tones; hydrophobic loud noise, hustle and bustle; too high hydrophobic wide room. Priority dining rectangular, square, circle, oval; rider triangle, lozenge or dining room wall angles, angles ...
Dining tables also use these horsemen have sharp corners, particularly triangular table, lozenge. Triangular dining table used only in case of "suppressing" sharp corners or cover corner. Feng Shui encourages use table round, oval or rectangular side table types, four corners are "cup" or "bo" to no sharp corners. Chairs in the dining room including shoulder seat, handrails, face and legs are taken round or oval as mainstream. Colors in the dining room furniture priority interests of sound tones as sepia, coffee color, amber ...
As of Hai Thuong Lan Ong: "All of the elite make people belong to the negative growth, are stored in continental government. Yin - yang is the way of heaven and earth, of all things is discipline. Yin and yang harmony is the foundation of health, the medical ethical values ​​". Luc covered include privacy, stomach, colon, small intestine, bladder and three goals, all of the positive. Substance distilled from the essence of sound food, are included in the yin-yang yang 6 government harmony.
Page set table note: Table unauthorized symmetrical with the front door or on the axis of the house god religion. No table Statistics symmetry with the original church, especially the altar Spirit financial, Buddhist altar. If the altar placed in the living room, dining table to lower Statistics altar. Where reluctantly, before the altar should have separated fronts. No list right under negotiation table, corner or ceiling beams.


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