I. The objective of the work of construction materials testing:
Construction materials testing to change utilities: Reality works through use over time we sometimes need to change the function to match current demand as: Transfer from office the factory, the office houses, houses - office of restaurant - hotel, Lift Plus floor. Meanwhile ICCI will test the response to customer questions: Transfer function (or raised floors) have been or not, if not then be reinforced in any position to be?
Construction materials testing to know the cause of the incident. Some works were incidents such as cracks, tilting, subsidence during construction or when in use. Meanwhile ICCI to test to answer 02 questions Client works Why such incidents and troubleshoot it like?
Experiments to resolve disputes: When there is a dispute between the Owner and the Contractor on construction quality. ICCI will test the response to customer questions contractor did the right thing with the contract and standard or not?
II. Criteria for implementation of ICCI: Business construction materials testing to customer knows Cause and Status of work in a Fast & Honest.
III . The work done at laboratory quality construction materials :
1. Laboratory testing concrete quality :
Inspection of homogeneity ( hollow , porous ) concrete .
Check intensity :


Methods of implementation



Equipment Used

Review Credibility




Shooting bat

TCXDVN 162:2004

Guns turn springs : Matest-Italy


Pleriminary Determination fast

Low accuracy processes comply with complex standards 


Ultrasound combined catch this shooting 

TCXDVN 171:1989

Ultrasound or Matest Tico concrete ...and guns bouncing Career


Do not destroy structures determine the unifor

Dependent on the skill of the person performing


Drill sampling compression test 

TCXDVN 236:2005

Drill samples and compressor concrete


High accuracy

Leave defects in components boreholes

2. Experiment reinforced checks: 
Determining the number, diameter and reinforced protective layer. According TCXDVN 240: 2000
Determination of corrosion of reinforcement: TCXDVN-294-2003
3. Determine the crack width and depth:
Determination of crack widths using magnifying devices cracks 100
Identify concrete crack depth, according TCXDVN 225: 1998
4. Try at work:
Diagnostic criteria apply: TCXDVN 363: 2006 Reinforced concrete structure - Evaluation of reliability flexural structural parts on works by the method of static load test
Principle: Agent upload floor and measuring deformation of structures with accuracy 0.01mm
5. Determination of deformation of the work:
 The common strain: Cracking, tilt, subsidence, sag.
Applicable standards: Standards current structural design; Sub-risk measure works TCXDVN 373: 2006



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