The decoration fortune area will impact significantly on the financial situation as well as the daily lives of every person - Artwork.
Before you learn the secrets to create the best feng shui, you need to determine your fortune area explicitly.
When fortune region rich in energy resources, the standard house (or office, workplace) of you can attract and retain the power of wealth. This will undoubtedly have a huge impact on your life.
Feng shui elements of wealth and fortune area Moc factor. Factor is reinforced by elements Thuy (Thuy Resort Jupiter) and element Saturn (Saturn give Jupiter a solid foundation for development).
All of this is based on the interaction of the five elements of feng shui - one of the basic principles of feng shui.
Want to decorate fortune area in your home or in your office to emphasize three elements Jupiter, Mercury and Saturn, the 8 following specific tips that can help you.
1. Use greenery
Trees are one of the feng shui simple solution that effectively. For the area of ​​wealth in the home or office, you can choose to display some kind of healthy plants and lush as the money tree (according to feng shui), lucky bamboo, bonsai has a detoxifying effect not gas or any public beautiful ornamentals preferred strong light conditions.
2. Use the mirror, features or images of water
Hang a mirror or arranged fountain of wealth in the region is considered to be excellent feng shui solutions. Additionally, you can also display images related to water, such as a painting / photo waterfall, a lake, a river or the ocean. But one thing to note that the images of water must be clean and present the motion.
3. Use the specific shape of the three elements Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury
Each feng shui elements have specific shapes, so you can bring the energy source of the desired feng shui elements through the shape as:
- Rectangle symbol element Carpentry;
- The square symbolizes the Earth element;
- Pictures wavy symbol Shui elements.
These shapes can be frames, fabric or design pattern wallpaper. They will help provide the energy source for your wealth area.
Each recommended feng shui elements have different specific shapes. By selecting the correct shape of the desired elements, you can further enhance regional energy wealth.
4. Selection of appropriate pictures
The images of forests, parks or leaves, trees, vivid glass ... will bring feng shui energies of Jupiter factors. You can also put pictures of interesting natural landscape, from sandy beaches to mountains - representing the element Earth.
5. Select the color
Selecting the best feng shui colors for decorating your wealth area. The color may appear on the walls, the furniture with fabric or decorative accessories.
There are a variety of colors to choose from, such as green, brown, blue, black, and shades of bright yellow ground.
You can also put a little red to activate the area (or different shades of red as orange, bright red, purple or pink). However, it should be remembered that this color is not dominant and should only be used in small doses.
6. Use image represents wealth and prosperity
You can choose any image representing wealth, such as people enjoying a holiday aboard a luxury yacht, or a large banquet table colorful and plentiful ... May the image of gold bullion will affect you more or a big house along the river.
7. Classical Feng Shui Solutions
Consider some classic feng shui solutions for wealth. However, you need to love and truly believe that they will be effective, in accordance with your home décor.
Aquarium, aquarium or symbolic objects specific to fish, ancient coins, vases fortune, smiling Buddha statues and precious stones are some traditional feng shui items, good for renovation feng shui area.
8. Take care of regional energy fortune
Always keep fresh energy and gravitational using essential oils, fresh flowers and scented candles. Ensure adequate lighting, music regularly open in the area of ​​wealth is a great way to enable good energy source. Of course, all these things must come with clean and tidy.


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