Airflow from the door burst in will affect homeowners - Artwork.
Bedrooms should have energy feng shui science with high quality to ensure the health and happiness for the employer, it is important to choose the correct location for it when conducting home design.
If the bed upright Statistics doors will be very susceptible to drafts. Outsiders entered startling, people in rooms that lack of comfort, privacy. Airflow from the door burst immediately into bed will negatively affect the health of people in the room.
Bed near the doorway was prescribed bed against the wall with doors, or against the wall near the entrance.
If the arrangement of your bedroom to the bed is not allow another location, you need to generate powerful protective energy around the bed. In other words, you need to create partitions between soft but clear energy "stormed" through the door into the bedroom and the energy of the bed.
You can do this with simple decorative solution between the bed and the door as follows:
- A bedside table with powerful visual effects: Add a lamp to light sleep capable wide diffuser and some other decorative accessories on the table to protect the energy around your bed.
- A shelf / closet low: feng shui solution to this very great because it helps you create energies like cocoon, envelops the bed, protecting it absolutely out of doors. You will have to choose wisely to shape and style of the shelf / closet in harmony with the style of bedroom furniture.
- A mobile partition: If your bedroom space is not allowed on integrated solutions, you can always find a mobile partition. The advantage of this solution is that you can adjust the bulkhead at the desired location and can be stored neatly when not in use.
However, depending on the circumstances, there may be arranged accordingly bed.


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