The roof garden is a solution that many people are interested in


The spacious villa is located in Vinhomes Gardenia, with an adjoining villa, so the space for the garden is limited. Capturing this with the needs of homeowners, architects have come up with solutions to garden gardens on the terrace. Although the area of the terrace is not large, but with detailed calculations of architects have given the best solution for the house. The terraces are both relaxing and space for housewives to grow vegetables.

Corner design light

Structural details of the roof garden construction include:

RC Floor slab: The concrete floor is the top floor of the house.

Waterproofing: Waterproofing layer to water down the floor.

Protection: Protective mortar.

VersiCell: Drainage & anti-flood roof garden (2.5kg / m2). Made of hard plastic, high load bearing, positive and negative in both horizontal and vertical, so it is easy to mount on floor and wall surfaces. VersiCell is used for roof garden with play area, flower basin, tree planting terrace, sports area, basement, retaining wall and roads, sidewalks, walkways ...

Geotextile: Geotextile is a material made from petroleum byproducts that has good tensile strength, elongation, strength, permeability, Filter, protect, reinforce, and drain water, preventing overlying layers of sand and dirt from entering the drainage holes of the VersiCell that block the drainage system.

Sand: The river sand filters the clay, preventing the clay from sealing the drainage holes of the litchi to better drain.

Soil: The soil layer, depending on the needs of growing plants, the soil will be thick or thin.

Big trees: Crop depends on climate, lighting and garden design for proper crop use.

Drain pipe: drainage pipe.

With this construction technique, architects ensure that the owners spend 50 to 70 years.

Garden solution on the roof


The garden in the apartment of Vinhome Gardeni residents is a typical example for a roof garden in this urban area. With an area of less than 40m2, the architects have cleverly divided the garden with many functions including. Relaxing area for rest, laundry and drying area, clean vegetable garden and more reasonable arrangement.

Vertical gardening solution saves space

Caring for the knowledge of trees and green spaces

All the gardens on the roof with paper flowers, green trees, a small fountain scene, planted vegetables ... are space-saving and bring the greatest functionality for a garden on the roof. The central point of the garden is a set of tea tables, this is where the view is so beautiful that the whole house to relax or wind down simply view the landscape around the house.

The roof garden with a certain height and a place to enjoy all the sunshine of the summer, the cold wind of winter. It is difficult to plant trees all year round. Therefore, right from the design of the architects have paid great attention to the selection of suitable cultivars. Especially with the harsh weather conditions, the trees must be easy to live in under-care conditions, the trees are not too tall. It should be noted that it is not advisable to plant pile roots on the roof, as it is difficult to obtain sufficient soil depth for the trees. The treatment of drainage, anti-flood is also important, must be carefully constructed in accordance with standards, technical process.

From this angle can see the small bowl scene with fountains, the murmur of water makes the space become more lively. Although small, but homeowners can still drop the colorful fish and care for them as fun and hobby every day. In the garden design, the lamp is an indispensable element, in addition to lighting effects, the lamp is also used for decoration. Every corner of the yard, under the lily flowers ... every time the light is shining to make the garden more sparkling fanciful.

Select the materials and varieties for the roof garden

The area is small but the homeowners have the desire that each corner of the garden will have its own green color. A garden stand is a good idea because it does not take up a lot of space but creates a green space filled with lots of plants. Garden plants are carefully selected by Greenmore Architects. From the species to each of the trees when planted to ensure the development of green and the harsh conditions of the sun and wind. The entire surrounding system of the garden is designed intelligent irrigation system, which is scheduled to irrigate in accordance with the technical process, ensuring the entire crop develops in the best way.

Exchange of care techniques with homeowners

Gardening on the roof is not only a piece of decoration, or a homeowner's delight, but it also has the meaning, the real power. If researched and combined well, the garden on the roof is a very effective solution against the aesthetic factor - beauty of the house. The roof garden moisturizes the radiant heat to the concrete surface of the roof, which helps to regulate the temperature and heat resistance effectively. That saves a lot of power for summer.

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