1. Table seating with many container
Guestrooms indispensable tea table . Though small in size , but the tea is just for decoration items , has a place for families to play and welcomes you . In a small space , you can choose the tea table with drawer , drawer boxes of tea , container li trays , cups , cake boxes , vases , books , remote controls , key ... Certainly with the this tea table , space - saving area will be effective immediately and you will have a true storage space gadget.
2. Design sofa bed
In a modern space can not lack a sofa . Have to say, the sofa is an effective solution and develop the maximum utility of being able to be used as an ordinary chair in the living room , could be turned into a bed full of gadgets for bedroom . Sofa is the solution " 2 in 1 " and contribute to adorn the room , just bring a lot of extra advantages .
3. Form combined furniture
Sample this furniture you can manually designed and built by its very simple . Normally it would be a table to put on such a vases, picture frames , or stacks of newspaper ... But when necessary , especially when the visitors to play , these items will be taken down to it promoted a seat , or a table of little tea .
4. Design extending table
If your apartment area is not enough to separate the dining room and living room , you can connect two spaces together with a table extension. This table has to meet requirements in the living room to welcome guests , both a handy table for the whole family or large parties .
5. Form separate seat
Form separate seat is designed as a sofa , but you can easily separate them out to serve the demand for flexibility as chair to sit , to lie bed , pillow or seat for watching movies Statistics , read book ...


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