The first thing to note is the choice of color and style of furniture in accordance with the destiny of the home. House owner Kim should choose square tables, brown, yellow, mainstream. Fate should choose round tables, blankets, curves and black, gray. Watermanship choose a square, white or ice cream table. Fate should choose white square table, wood material and blue. Meanwhile, the owner of the house should choose the furniture, unique design, fancy and red, russet or pink.

                                            Select the color, style tables and chairs to suit the destiny of the home.

Traditional feng shui said that if the owner of the East should be avoided to table furniture in the West, Southwest, North West and North East. The owner of the West destined to avoid booking furniture in the south-east and north. There is a new rule to ensure that parcel par.

Dining room furniture also affects the yin and yang. Experts advise homeowners should choose the arrangement of tables and chairs in the shape of the letter "U", taking the point of view on the beautiful wooden TV shelves. Because this is the layout of "air accumulator" is very good in feng shui.

                                                            U-shaped tables and chairs for "air acclimatization".

According to feng shui concept, the sofa is the symbol of the owner, the tea table represents the guests. Therefore, when choosing a table and chair for the living room, it is important to note that the tea table must have a small size and a lower height than the sofa. This means that the hosts warmly welcome visitors and guests to play not over the house. Sofa is often referred to as the symbol of Son (mountain), meaning tea table (Water). For mountains and water in harmony, always put them together, absolutely do not display the sofa without a tea table, or tea table set alone in a corner without a chair. "Sofa" (sofa) should be close to the wall to create a stable and higher "water" (tea table). The tea table should be placed between the two sofas, or in front of a long sofa, L-shaped sofa.

                                                         Tea tables should be small in size and lower than the sofa.

If the homeowner chooses to buy sofa and tea table according to the design available, should choose the set of 6 or 9 dishes, these are good numbers according to Feng Shui. Do not choose the set of seven dishes or up to 3 - 4 sofa ice. For tea tables, there are many shapes such as rectangles, oval, circular but absolutely not use the sharp polygon tea table.

Living room is the place to receive guests should also care about the location of the relationship between guests and guests to feng shui. Because if the table arrangement is not appropriate, the position between the host and the guest does not agree can cause adverse feelings for the host or not peace of mind on the partner, create feelings of suspicion, fear ... These often affect the business, social relations of the landlord. Therefore, the living room table should be arranged so that the sitting position of the host when guests should be in front of the front door. This will show the hospitality of the host, when the host is also easy to hold the initiative.

                                           Living room furniture should not be placed directly facing the main door.

The living room should not be placed directly facing the main door, because the main door is filled with air for the whole house, the air flow in the door is relatively strong. The sitting room facing the door will prevent this air flow into the house, affecting the financial power of the house. At the same time, outsiders are also easy to see from the front door to the living room, losing their privacy. In particular, it is absolutely necessary to avoid sitting room furniture under the bar will cause severe pressure compression, causing the person sitting below the spirit of instability and feelings of insecurity.

In today's modern homes, due to the narrow area, the living room and kitchen are sometimes arranged in a space. In such a layout should avoid the living room table directly opposite the stove. When cooking, the kitchen is often high temperature and smoke, if the table set opposite the living room will make the health of the family members are not good, hot tempered, irritated temperament.



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