Limit use of electronic devices :

In weather conditions between the hot summer , the easiest you can do to reduce the heat emitted is limited to use devices that generate heat , such as ovens, computers , televisions , water heaters , ball lamps, ...

" Equip " blinds, window louver :

The easiest way is to use curtains or blinds hanging to avoid direct sunlight on windows . Also, if the window glass , can take advantage of additional insulation film to minimize UV light and most of the heat absorbed through windows , glass walls .


Most people usually use thick curtains in summer to hide the sun , but that is a misconception . You should use blinds to feel the space in the room cool and well lit but not hot and humid . Besides, should take advantage of open windows at night or early morning when the temperature is still cool to the inlet .

Cooled by a nebulizer :

Nebulizer is considered an effective alternative solution for conditioning for energy-saving advantages . Compared with air conditioning , misting machines to save over 75 % energy but not inferior cooling efficiency . In addition, fog machines also increases the moisture in the air , bringing pleasant feeling in the hot summer days .

Keep sun ​​away from home :

Keep the sun and its heat away from the living space by pulling the curtains closed , window louver and during the daytime . Accessories bright window can reflect light and heat away from your home effectively. Or consider installing more systems inside shutters to prevent summer heat and winter insulation .

Not create excessive heat : All appliances and lights generate heat when in operation. To keep the house cooler , turn off all unnecessary lights and consider replacing incandescent light bulbs to fluorescent bulbs .

Try to limit the use of household appliances maximum , should be used to cool time of the day. Instead of using an electric stove , gas stove , oven ... to prepare food , you can try to do the dishes cool , cool fit better climate for family members .

Use fans :

Maximum use of vanes as ceiling fans , fan plants , ventilation ... Adjust ceiling fan so that the leading edge of the rotor to generate winds higher and better air circulation .


As the temperature decreases in the evening and night , open windows and fans placed near windows to blow cool air . If you want more cool breeze , put a bottle of ice in front of the propeller . Ventilators also capable of bringing cool air from outside into the house.

Create Wind tunnel :

You can bring a cool breeze outdoors at home through open windows in a strategic way . To do this , understanding the mechanism of wind movement is very important. When the wind is blowing toward the house will form a high-pressure area on the surface it contacts and a low-pressure area on the opposite side . Natural wind tends to move from high pressure areas to low pressure areas . Therefore , open the windows on both sides of the house to allow air circulation and natural flexibility , a lot more will cool .

Decorate trees :

Houseplants , flower , shrubs and vines can cooling . Decorate or deciduous trees , shrubs in the east and the west to " lock " the sunlight into the house . Planting vines exterior wall covering not only beautiful but also reduce heat more quickly . The shrub also similar effective when planted around the house .


Miniatures created by water :

Designing a water tank , a small fountain , bonsai or an aquarium , ... indoors at a place close to the wind as close balcony doors will make your home much cooler in summer . However, it should consider all the factors such as feng shui , natural air flow out into the house , the views and the factors used for convenience.



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