Completed this year, Bamboo Sports Hall has a undulating shape that reflects the surrounding hilly terrain. The 782 square meter building is supported by circular dome that can naturally vent and light indirectly..

This multi-purpose sports facility accommodates 300 students, is home to futsal, basketball, volleyball and badminton, and is also home to student art performances

Bamboo was chosen as the main building material to maintain Panyaden's "Green School" mission. The carbon footprint at the Sports Hall is absent, because bamboo has the ability to absorb much higher carbon than carbon emissions during processing, transportation and construction. Bamboo materials also provide insulation, which helps create an indoor environment that is well ventilated year-round. Besides, bamboo processing does not use toxic substances. The project has a life expectancy of at least 50 years.

Architects created a 15m wide space and did not need steel. The multi-purpose sports complex of Panyaden International School is a combination of art space and craft materials in a large construction structure.


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