This time, Bac Ninh City became a type I city is a proof of the achievements. There are a lot of data, many sketches about the picture of the city, only to point out some new prosperity full of internal resources of their domain.

The first sensation for everyone, including friends and visitors, even if just passing without a chance to stop, is the emergence of high-rise buildings quickly. As the magical power is accumulated, TP today suddenly burst into a new stature. It is the height, the volume of the building, not just a few that dozens of buildings rise high sky, impressive.

A few years ago, commenting on the urban development of Bac Ninh, after the enthusiastic praise, people have a little something to worry about, because of a lack of height, a figure. People crave and desire the door frame in the sky to dream, aspirations for a civilized, modern life.

Now that it has become a reality, urban heights have risen to over 30 stories with modern architecture, most of which are multi-functional mixed-use buildings, following the trend of cities. advanced. High rise buildings, not just a change of face, that speak a lot of deep meaning.

First and foremost, it is the result of the socio-economic development of the province and of the city, as a result of the upward trend in accordance with the trend of the global urbanization. Under the law of urban development, Bac Ninh has been missing the "compression" necessary to concentrate its urban population sufficiently for the thriving development of services, which is another feature of the city. countryside.

Of course, planners and managers chose Bac Ninh to keep a reasonable compression ratio in order to avoid the consequences of excessive compression such as the number of large cities.


Besides the meaning, the buildings also create a new way of life seems to take a long time to see, it is living apartment. Condominiums are a civilized way of living of urban dwellers, and are even more civilized as condominiums are built in multi-purpose buildings, the trend of modern cities. Residents there will be provided with all the facilities, they will have more time to rest, relax, re-create labor, less to go shopping and participate in other activities, solve many the cost of serving the city, including the problem of traffic jams. The development of mixed-use buildings is also a space-based, urban-space-saving thinking that is geared towards an energy-efficient urban setting with intelligent buildings geared towards smart cities and knowledge-based economies.

But in 2017 not only will spring up new buildings. The face of the city is beautiful by the beauty of traditional culture. Possessing 31/42 Quan họ village, the organization of singing Quan họ on the boat once a month at the lake Phi Phi Lan is a new cultural beauty. For many years, the city and the whole province have tried to preserve and promote Quan Ho's cultural heritage, intangible cultural heritage of Bac Ninh, also of Vietnam and of mankind. This new activity is a dynamic expression of a city that is not only economically dynamic but also goes along with preserving and promoting cultural traditions. Culture is always the axis of thought throughout the process of urban development so that in the future, when the city is integrated with modern cities, culture is still the key factor to make the unique and unique. thousand years of civilization.

Another highlight that can not be missed, is the inauguration of the Park air conditioning Lake 20ha, and then the children's playground in the Van Mieu Park with many sports equipment, play entertainment for all classes of people, especially the children. If the central area, night to jubilate street lights, the busiest shopping in the shop, the shop is bright in the afternoon, the park area is crowded the age of practice Playing with the air is hard to describe.

And today, going in the middle of the spring, emotions are really hard to describe, but the lines of reflection are deep, deposited. Three beautiful features on the city we light up three important pillars (Economic - Cultural - Human) of a developed city, is represented by the shape, charm and life of the people. That is also the highlight in the colorful urban picture of 2017. Prosperity is here, sustainable development is also here. Are all economic development in the end human? High houses, large streets, the material and spiritual life of the people are taken care, especially the care for future generations speaks all the meanings of the breakthroughs and innovations of young people.

In the spring of 2018, the prosperity that made up the miraculous emotions, it brought us up to new levels in order to have more aspirations for the future spring of this city, Quan Quan district, where will be the worthy address. come and live.

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