For wall painting when designing small apartments​

You should choose bright colors like white to make the room cleaner and wider. Note not to choose too many paint colors because it will make the space more confusing and dark.

For furniture for small apartments

When choosing furniture to decorate, choose to buy the same color and medium size. Besides, do not choose curtains too much pattern or gaudy pattern will cause confusion.

Do not make false ceiling for small apartments

Making false ceiling will make the room more burdensome and secretive.

For the bedroom

To create a room for the room, you can stylize the decoration by creating accents for the wall with wallpaper. However, it is advisable to choose a neutral color when pasted and only partially glued, not spread.

In terms of form and color, choose simple designs with high usability and courteous and bright colors for extra spacious rooms.

Interior should choose medium and small size bright colors, modern design, synchronous, simple design with less decorative flowers will make the room more neat to create a comfortable feeling.

Beds should be placed close to the wall, not straight to the door to create stability and peace of mind when sleeping to avoid direct light, or use bunk beds is a smart choice if the house has small children.

You should choose a wall cabinet to save space, help the room become more airy. However, only the wall cabinet will be arranged when performing and arranging furniture in a fixed manner, as it will be very difficult to change the position if you want.

If there is a need to use a dressing table, it is recommended to choose a compact table, collapsible chair, foldable mirror or two-wing type that can be closed when not in use, saving space, but placed in the position not afraid to be affected. The desk should be compact, utilize the wall array to store documents. According to feng shui, should avoid putting the desk in the middle of the room, facing the door, avoid sitting back to work on the door or window.

Limit the use of partitions separating space

The appearance of large walls or partitions only makes your apartment space become cramped and cramped. If you are required to separate the areas from each other, you should choose bookshelves, cabinets or any device in the house that can both be used and separated without losing too much space.

In addition to the design and construction of small apartments as above, you need to arrange furniture in the rooms as follows:

For the kitchen, the design is based on the habit and arranging the necessary scientific equipment, according to each function;

With a bathroom, if it is a plaster ceiling, it is recommended to use a horizontal hot and cold bottle because the square will be unstable.

In short, with a small apartment, it should be designed in a modern style with a simple interior, optimal space and not necessarily too sophisticated. This is just symmetrical for space, but it also saves costs for homeowners. Especially, if you know creative design, you can completely turn your small apartment into spacious, airy and comfortable to use.


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