Illustration. ( Source : Internet ).

Pull curtains

According to a scientific study, the 30% of unwanted heat from the window. Therefore, the simplest measure is to always pull curtains and you should also choose the type of blinds with dark colors to avoid heat radiation can make it inside. With simple measures will help reduce the cost of 7% on electricity bills and help the room temperature is always low.

Replacement cushions and bedspread

Summer is the time to bid farewell to the cushion. However, if you still want to lie on the soft mattress, the selection of suitable materials is very important. In all, the box-spring type is suitable for use in summer, followed to cushion made from natural fiber injection molding higher mattress and sponge rubber. The changing bed sheets regularly will also help more pleasant when the weather is hot.

Panel ceiling fans turn clockwise

In summer , installing ceiling fans rotate in the opposite direction clockwise , creating a slight wind , standing under the fan will feel the cold wind directly into the body , concentrate cold air throughout the room and not diluted .

Cooling body

Instead of focusing on cooling the room , focusing on cooling his body . Some simple measures are dressed in cool , use a cold towel on the neck area of ​​the body warm , inner elbow , cool drink of water cooling .

Tree planting

Put more indoor bonsais , or design a gantry vines on the balcony will have a great effect reduces the indoor temperature . Trees also works to prevent dust and air filtration , helps you feel more comfortable in the summer heat .

The long-term measures

If you want to improve the long term, should consider a number of measures such as using window film on windows , extra insulation underneath the roof , insulation and paint are many measures that can be referenced from interior designers .


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